What is Yoga

Excerpt from My Yoga Online
Yoga originated in India thousands of years ago with classical techniques dating back more than 5,000 years. It is a science that systematically creates harmony of the entire body, mind and spirit. "Yoga" comes from the Sanskrit verb yuj, thus meaning to yoke or to unite. The practice of yoga brings union between one's consciousness and the universal consciousness. Yoga combines physical movements with breathing and meditation techniques to bring forward physiological and psychological Health Benefits. Yoga provides improved health and longevity, as well as creates a heightened level of self-understanding and awareness.
The yoga poses were designed to revitalize and bring balance to the musculoskeletal and glandular systems. The breathing techniques (pranayama) are based on the concept that breath is the source of life and energy (prana) in the body. The integration of yoga poses and breathing techniques helps one attain a steady, quiet mind and a strong, open body. The yoga poses and breathing techniques are also vital for preparing the body and mind for periods of meditation. The combination of yoga poses, breathing, and meditation makes one more readily able to free oneself from daily pressures and stresses. Yoga is a life-long practice that focuses not on goals and achievements, but rather on experiencing a journey towards inner peace and freedom.
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